687-Want More Leaders? Create Them

Episode: 687
Episode Title: Want More Leaders? Create Them
Companies are facing a leadership shortage. Is it time to stop looking for leaders and instead start creating them? Let’s talk about it, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 687 show:
You’re now in The Perna Syndicate—and I’m glad you’re here! There’s a major leadership shortage at organizations everywhere, with only 12% of companies saying they have enough effective leaders. It begs the questions: where are all the leaders?
I’d suggest that the leaders we need are there already. They just need the training and development to reach their full potential. But many companies are failing to offer leadership development opportunities to younger workers—which is why many of these high-value employees quit.
DDI’s research shows that more than 85% of young workers want more coaching. Leaders who received quality coaching from their managers were one and a half times less likely to leave for another company to advance their careers. Coaching gives these up-and-coming leaders a clear path to grow within the organization.
Additionally, only 5% of high-potential employees who received leadership development experiences reported they plan to leave their companies within the year. 50% reported having a stronger sense of purpose at work as a result of receiving these development opportunities.
Leadership is a set of skills that can be learned like any other. It’s time for organizations to stop looking for leaders and instead—start creating them.
Tomorrow: Why aren’t organizations investing more deeply in their future leaders? Are they buying into the negative stereotypes about this generation? We’ll see you next time on The Perna Syndicate for that conversation!