407 - The Want-To and The How-To

Episode: 407
Episode Title: The Want-To and The How-To
If the want-to is strong enough, the how-to will come. This simple but powerful principle can help us understand motivation and achievement—next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 407 show:
You’re now in The Perna Syndicate—welcome! If you’ve ever heard me give a keynote speech, you’ve probably heard one of my favorite motivational truths. It’s simply this: “if the want-to is strong enough, the how-to will come.”
What’s the want-to? It’s whatever we’re desiring most in that moment. The how-to is the practical steps we have to take to get to our want-to.
If the want-to is strong enough, the how-to will come. I’ve seen this motivational principle at work in my own life, and I’m sure you have, too. Do you ever notice how we can’t stop thinking about our want-to? Somehow we stretch the budget, or work the hours, or make whatever sacrifice is necessary to acquire the desired object. Our want-to fuels our how-to.
So what’s your want-to right now? What occupies your thoughts? What is really moving you forward? We can give our want-to momentum by exposing ourselves to the thing we want. Think about that promotion, go test-drive that new car, dream about your life with the desired object in it. But don’t stop there. Start strategizing. Focus, plan, and take action—and make that want-to happen.
The want-to, how-to principle shows us the power of motivation. If we get too fixated on the obstacles, or the how-to, we won’t move forward. But I’ve always found that if I cultivate the want-to enough, suddenly I find that the how-to is taking care of itself.
Tomorrow: what’s the art of pivoting and why does it matter today? We’ll talk about this crucial skill on the next episode of The Perna Syndicate. See you then!