173 - Never Marry An Idea

Episode: 173
Episode Title: Never Marry An Idea
File Name: never-marry-an-idea
Success in an ever-changing world today requires adaptability, and that means never marrying an idea or direction—no matter how much you love it. Stay tuned for more, coming up next on the Syndicate.
Ep 173 show:
Welcome to The Perna Syndicate! I’m your host, Mark Perna. Today, adaptability is one of the hottest soft skills (or professional skills, as I call them). In a world changing so quickly, the ability to pivot quickly and gracefully is a huge asset at work and, really, in any area of life.
One of the things that makes for an adaptable attitude is a commitment to never marry an idea or direction—no matter how much you love it.
I often tell my team that everything we do is a moving target. We’re constantly innovating and improving. That means lots of changes in how we communicate, what we offer, and how we offer it. I’m the king of last-minute changes, because I believe that “good enough” is never really good enough.
Sometimes, adaptability means more than tweaking something. It can mean completely ditching the things that aren’t working. I learned early on not to take it personally when my great idea just doesn’t take off like I thought it would. No matter how much we love an idea or direction, no matter how smart or cool or relevant it feels, we never marry it.
But while we don’t pledge lifelong devotion to our strategies and methods, there’s one thing we did marry. And that’s our commitment to making a positive difference in education and workforce development. That, we married—but how we accomplish it is always changing. We’re adapting every day, and that’s the secret of our success.
Thanks for listening today! Join me at MarkCPerna.com for more inspiration, and thanks for the difference YOU make. We’ll see you back here tomorrow!