139 - What a Post-Pandemic Competitive Advantage Looks Like

Episode: 139
Episode Title: What a Post-Pandemic Competitive Advantage Looks Like
What’s the single most important competitive advantage for a young person entering the post-pandemic workforce? Find out, coming up next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 139 show:
Hello, and welcome! I’m your host, Mark Perna, and today I want to touch on one of the topics from my upcoming webinar next Thursday. I’ll be delivering this exciting message to participants across the country, for two power-packed hours. But today, I’ll keep it to two minutes!
Everyone is looking for a competitive advantage, something to set them apart from the crowd. Young people, who are preparing to enter a workforce that has been turned upside down by COVID-19, know that they’re going to need something extra from their education in order to succeed. But what?
The single most important competitive advantage in our post-pandemic workforce is not going to be a college degree. Instead, it’s a synergy of academic achievement, plus technical competency, plus professional (or soft) skills. Today’s competitive advantage is a trifecta.
Employers will be falling over themselves to hire Gen-Z talent with these attributes. The secret is how to start building on each of these areas BEFORE students graduate high school, so they can pursue their postsecondary training with purpose and passion.
Yesterday on the show we talked about how a dynamic narrative can change the way that people think. Part of that narrative has to be the trifecta competitive advantage that your programs can deliver. That’s what will compel students to enroll, to stay, and to graduate in greater numbers.
Career-focused education is at a crossroads in schools across America. Tomorrow, we’ll talk about why the pandemic has made it more essential than ever—and how you can tell that story. We’ll see you then!