734-Instead of College

Episode: 734
Episode Name: Instead of College
Young people are changing their mind about the value of college. Here’s what they’re considering instead, coming up next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 734 show:
This is The Perna Syndicate—hello and welcome! All week we’ve been discussing a recent survey by Carhartt that found that a majority of young workers are open to outdoor careers. It also found that their attitudes about college are changing.
According to this research, 3 out of 4 Gen Z and Millennials agree that more young Americans should consider a vocational and technical education over a 4-year college degree.
Why is this? Well, it’s not too hard to understand when we consider that over the years, the younger generations have either witnessed or experienced first-hand the enormous student loans that often accompany a 4-year college degree.
For many people, this debt creates a crushing burden that it can take a lifetime to overcome. Often, student loan debt is responsible for forcing many people to delay milestones like owning a home, getting married, and starting a family. It’s sad.
While college can be a great choice for some people, it’s true that pursuing a technical education usually involves less financial investment. This paves the way for young people to start making a living wage sooner and escape student loan debt. In some fields, you can even earn a living wage while you’re still learning!
When it comes to college versus other pathways, it’s vital that young people make decisions based on their own unique interests, talents, and abilities. And they can only do that when all their options are on the table.
Tomorrow: What type of purpose do young people see in conservation careers? We’ll cover that and more next time on The Perna Syndicate. See you then!