72 - Recruiting Gen Z

Episode: 72
Episode Title: Recruiting Gen Z
Recruiting Gen-Z isn’t that hard when you understand where they’re coming from. Stay tuned for five ways to get their attention—coming up next.
Ep 72 show:
Hello, and welcome to The Perna Syndicate! If you’re trying to recruit Gen-Z, you know the pandemic has made it more strategic than ever. Today I’ve got five ways recruiters can connect with this talented generation. Here they are:
First, connect early. 81% of Gen Z strongly agrees that it is important to establish employer connections even if they don’t have an immediate job opening.
Second, emphasize the position, not the company. Gen-Z is twice as likely to pursue their dream job at a company they don’t know, over a less-ideal position at a company they’ve heard of.
Number three, meet them online. Gen-Z is realizing the value of building their personal brand online, with 53% of college students strongly agreeing that this is important.
Number four, diversify. The future workforce is racially and ethnically diverse, and they want to see a similar diversity reflected in the people they’re working with. If you have a diverse workforce, communicate that. If you don’t, share the steps you’re taking to get there.
Finally, take the long view. More than 1 in 3 Gen-Zers plan to stay at their first job for four or more years. Only 6% say they’re very likely to participate in the gig economy once they graduate. They’re on the hunt for positions with long-term potential.
For more insights into the mind of today’s younger generations, follow me at Forbes.com, where I publish fresh content every week.