715-The Art of Self-Discipline

Episode: 715
Episode Title: The Art of Self-Discipline
On a scale of 1 to 10, how self-disciplined are you? Turns out, this is a highly prized skill in the workplace today. More on that, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 715 show:
Hello and welcome to a new day on The Perna Syndicate! As we wrap up our discussion on the soft skills most valued in the tech industry (and really, every other field as well), we have to touch on one that is often overlooked. I’m talking about reliability and self-discipline. Yep, we’re going there today!
We have to, because this is the trait that rounds out the five soft skills most desired by tech employers today. Creativity, critical thinking, leadership, and problem-solving also made the list, but I would argue that they don’t carry much weight unless you combine them with being a reliable and self-disciplined individual.
Reliability is a commitment to follow through, a respect for yourself and others that leads you to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Reliability means consistently delivering a high level of work—even when it’s hard to do so.
And of course, it goes hand in hand with self-discipline, because we can’t be reliable unless we’re able to manage our own emotions, thoughts, and actions. Self-discipline involves the ability to tell ourselves “no” when we feel or want something that our reason tells us is not what’s best right now.
In our culture of instant gratification, cultivating the art of self-discipline can be an uphill battle. It took me way too many years to apply this to my own life, but I reached the point where I could grow no further as a person and a professional until I did. I made it happen—and so can you.
If it was easy, everyone would do it. Those who practice these qualities in their everyday work will stand out as true professionals—in the workplace and beyond.
Thanks for being part of The Perna Syndicate this week! As always, feel free to drop me a comment any time at MarkCPerna.com. Take care and we’ll see you back here next week!