70 - Apprenticeship Advice from Someone Who Lived It

Episode: 70
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Episode Title: Apprenticeship Advice from Someone Who Lived It
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Are you considering apprenticeship, or do you know someone who is? Here’s some advice from a successful apprentice, coming up next on the Perna Syndicate.
Ep 70 show:
Hello and welcome! Today we’re wrapping our week-long discussion on apprenticeship, in honor of National Apprenticeship Week 2020. Yesterday, I shared the story of Austin Boop, who started as an unmotivated high school student and, through apprenticeship, discovered his career passion. Today, he runs his own electrical contracting business—and he has some advice for others considering apprenticeship in any industry.
Austin credits his apprenticeship with where he is today. He says, “Apprenticeship can put you on the fast track to a very rewarding and high-demanding field with no limits.”
Like Austin, not every student fits the college mold. He says, “Take a moment to really think about where you want be in a career—then do it! Though apprenticeships may not be for everyone, there is no better option for those who are interested in the trades and eager to work.”
Apprenticeship demonstrates that it’s not where you start after high school, but where you end up that counts. Austin says, “I sometimes think our high school students have been taught to ‘get into a good college’ and that doing anything else is somehow unimpressive. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. There is so much to know in this field. You must be intelligent.”
I want to thank Austin for his advice to young people considering apprenticeship.
For young people today, the question is not “Why would you complete an apprenticeship?” Instead, they should be asking, “Why wouldn’t I?”
Thanks for being part of The Perna Syndicate this week. For more episodes, visit MarkCPerna.com. We’ll see you next week!