68 - Women and Apprenticeships

Episode: 68
Episode Title: Women and Apprenticeships
Are women the key to closing the skills gap in America? Apprenticeships can equip them to succeed in every industry—including those typically dominated by men. Stay tuned for more!
Ep 68 show:
Welcome to The Perna Syndicate! I’m your host, Mark Perna, and this week we’re covering the 6th annual National Apprenticeship Week. This event takes place all over the country, celebrating the positive impact of apprenticeships both for individual workers and for employers who need to build a strong talent pipeline.
Apprenticeships have changed a lot over the last few decades. They’re no longer found only in traditional industries like construction, manufacturing, plumbing, et cetera. Fields like healthcare and IT have started using the apprenticeship model to train their workers. And now across all fields, apprenticeships are being embraced by a whole new demographic: women.
Organizations like ANEW and others promote apprenticeships for women, empowering them to thrive in skilled professions that are typically dominated by men. Welding. HVAC. Electricity. Transportation. And the list goes on. There is absolutely no reason that women can’t succeed in these and every other field. And apprenticeships can be the on-ramp they need to break into a non-traditional career.
On the employer side, female apprentices are great news. So many industries are suffering from America’s persistent skills gap. There just aren’t enough skilled workers to meet demand, but tapping into a talented female workforce could make all the difference.
There’s no limit to what women can achieve. And an apprenticeship can be the perfect way for these talented workers to get into their careers—and get going.
Tomorrow, we’ll tell the story of electrical contractor Austin Boop, who was once an unmotivated high schooler and today owns his own business. He started as an apprentice—and it changed his life. We’ll see you tomorrow!