678-Sourcing a Mentor

Episode: 678
Episode Title: Sourcing a Mentor
How do you find a mentor who can influence your growth as a professional? Let’s talk about it, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 678 show:
You’re now in The Perna Syndicate—hello and welcome! Mentoring is a great idea, you want to learn and grow—so how do you get started? How do you actually find a mentor?
Mentors can come in many forms and many places, but you need to be intentional about seeking out that kind of relationship. Especially in our remote world, it’s critically important to attend meetings and conferences, follow new people on LinkedIn, and look for other opportunities to build your professional network. Current and past colleagues can also make for strong mentors that last a lifetime.
The key is to be patient and keep putting yourself in situations where you can engage with potential mentors. When it’s the right fit, you’ll know.
In the meantime, you can look to public figures that you admire to be inspirational mentors. You may never meet them or interact with them personally, but the content they put out can have a big impact on your mindset and development.
What if you’re not a younger-gen worker, but you feel you could benefit from being mentored? I want to give you permission, validation, whatever you need to feel that is okay.
Find someone who can help you grow. Maybe you can do reverse mentoring with a younger coworker, where you are basically both mentoring each other in your respective areas of strength.
Mentoring is valuable, no matter where you are in your career journey.
Next time on The Perna Syndicate: Is it time for you to become a mentor? How do you take that step? Join me tomorrow for that conversation. See you then!