621 - Open Letter To Students: Impact Week 2022

Episode: 621
Episode Title: Open Letter To Students: Impact Week 2022
It’s Impact Week on The Perna Syndicate, where we round up the top 5 episodes from the past year. Up today: an open letter to every high school student.
Ep 621 show:
This is The Perna Syndicate and I’m your host, Mark Perna. Thanks for tuning in! To kick off our Impact Week, here’s an open letter to high school students that topped our downloads this year. If you’re a parent or educator, feel free to share this with the young people in your life.
Dear student: you don’t know me, but I’ve devoted my career to knowing you. I travel the country explaining to people what makes you tick, how you make decisions, and what motivates you to perform at your true potential.
I’m writing today because I want to tell you the real story of what happens when you graduate high school and head into the next chapter of your life. I want you to know what you’re up against, and how you can win at school, career, and just life in general.
First off, the world has changed—big time. To get ahead, you need a new competitive advantage built on three things: robust academic knowledge, strong technical competency, and valuable professional skills. A lot of people are good at one or two of these areas. But if you can master all three, you’re on the fast track to success.
The fastest way to gain this advantage is to get hands-on experiences like career and technical education in high school. It’s a myth that getting involved in a career program in high school locks you into that career forever and you can never do or be anything else.
Career programs don’t limit your options: they actually expand them. So don’t limit yourself. You are capable of so much.
Tomorrow: What can we take off teachers’ plates? Tune in next time for one of this year’s most impactful episodes. See you then on The Perna Syndicate!