597 - The Opposite of Quiet Firing

Episode: 597
Episode Title: The Opposite of Quiet Firing
What’s the opposite of quiet firing? Saying thank you by giving people the opportunity to learn, grow, and advance their career. Let’s talk about it, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 597 show:
You’re now in The Perna Syndicate—welcome! Gratitude is top of mind for many in the U.S. this week, with our Thanksgiving holiday coming up. Most of us would agree that saying thank you to our coworkers is a great habit. But what are some other ways to express meaningful gratitude?
Giving people a clear path to growth is one way of saying thank you, and it’s often overlooked. This is especially powerful for Gen Z employees, who have set their sights on career growth and thrive on learning new skills.
Gen Z workers will seek out a wide range of experiences and abilities over the course of their professional lives. These young people are embracing the ideal of continual learning. They don’t want a handout; they want the opportunity to grow.
Employers can help their employees attain these goals by providing resources to enhance their skills. Everyone wins when companies thank their people by truly investing in their career advancement.
This, of course, is the opposite of “quiet firing” where companies set employees up to fail by not giving them constructive feedback, advancement opportunities, stretch assignments, significant raises, or a voice in the direction of the company.
Such organizations clearly do not value their people or the contribution they bring. And now that workers have more choices than ever, there’s no reason they have to stay where they’re not appreciated or invested in.
Next up: what’s the worst way to thank someone? Tune in tomorrow on The Perna Syndicate to find out. We’ll see you then!