567 - Quiet Quitting Is Healthy

Episode: 567
Episode Title: Quiet Quitting Is Healthy
Quiet quitting is not just how employees take back their lives. It’s how companies thrive for the long term. Let’s talk about it, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 567 show:
You’re now in The Perna Syndicate—hi! Are you a quiet quitter? This phrase, which has become a bit of a buzzword lately, refers to workers who do their work and then unplug. They don’t work crazy hours, they don’t make work the most important thing in their lives, and they certainly don’t work for free.
In many ways, quiet quitting just means healthy work-life balance. And I’m perplexed as to why many business leaders see quiet quitting as something negative that they need to argue against.
Don’t they want their people to lead full, healthy, enjoyable lives? Don’t they realize that happy employees are the ones who contribute most to the organization’s success? Don’t they care that an unspoken demand for more work than they’re paying for is, quite simply, unethical?
Yes, I’m a fan of going above and beyond. I advise young people to “show up five minutes early, leave five minutes late, and care while you’re there.” This isn’t a strict rule of adding exactly ten minutes to your workday, but rather, being excited to make a difference at work, bringing your A-game, and following through so that at the end of each day, you’ve hit your goals.
But none of this means working for free.
Quiet quitting is not just how employees take back their lives. It’s how companies thrive for the long term.
Tomorrow, tune in as I share three big ways that I promote quiet quitting at my company. Thanks for listening—we’ll see you back here for the next episode of The Perna Syndicate!