538 - The Ownership You Take

Episode: 538
Episode Title: The Ownership You Take
People who take ownership of their work don’t just get the job done. They get it done right—and they’re in high demand. More on that, coming up next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 538 show:
Welcome to The Perna Syndicate today! As we look at the top professional skills that can impact our attitude at work, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include ownership.
Ownership simply means cheerfully embracing responsibility and following through until the job is not just done, but done right. When you take ownership of a project, you are, in essence, putting your unique stamp on it. That’s why it has to be top notch.
People who take ownership of their work aren’t content to produce mediocre results. To them, quality is paramount. They don’t do things halfway.
Taking ownership is especially vital in the age of remote work, where micromanagement just isn’t possible. Many workers today have more freedom to complete their work on their own time. A sense of commitment and responsibility, of being the owner of the task, is a powerful asset for remote and hybrid workers.
So how much of an owner are you? Do you eagerly take on new responsibilities and fulfill them to the best of your ability? Are you content to just check the boxes or are you taking pride in your work? The ownership you take in the workplace is a direct prediction of the quality you’re going to produce.
On the next episode of The Perna Syndicate, we’re going to look at one last professional skill: empathy. This is a big one, so don’t miss it. We’ll see you then!