4 - Raise Your Expectations

Episode: 4-raise-your-expectations
Tease: Do expectations have an impact on how people perform? What about young people, at school and at work? Listen in to find out.
Ep 4 show:
Do you ever think about the fact that people tend to perform according to the expectations that are placed on them? Low expectations result in low performance, especially for Millennials and Gen Z. But I’ve found that the more you expect, the more they will deliver, if given the right tools and support.
In his well-known book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey writes, “Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be.”
Today’s young people are no exception. To expect more from these generations, you have to actually believe that they’re capable of rising to the occasion. And that goes back to rejecting the negative stereotypes and seeing the true untapped potential of today’s young people. They have so much to give.
We can all remind ourselves that our particular method of getting things done may not be the only right way. Raising your expectations doesn’t mean attempting to clone young people to resemble their older counterparts more closely. It means giving them the tools, resources, and freedom to make a difference—whether at home, in the classroom, or on the job.
People tend to meet the expectations placed on them, whether those expectations are high or low. When you raise your expectations for the young people you influence, you’ll inspire them to reach their full potential. They can do it…and so can you.
If this is a message your organization needs to hear, let’s chat. My in-person and virtual presentations are empowering teams everywhere to shift their paradigm — for good. Connect with me at MarkCPerna.com.