352 - Go Flexible or Go Home

Episode: 352
Episode Title: Go Flexible or Go Home
Before the pandemic, companies had little reason to offer flexible work. Now, that’s all being reshuffled. Stay tuned as we talk about it, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 352 show:
Welcome—you’re now in The Perna Syndicate! This week, we’re talking about the mass quitting spree that has taken the workforce by storm. Though it’s being called the Great Resignation, a better name is the Great Reshuffle.
Times of crisis and change are uncomfortable, but they do provide the chance to rethink business as usual and make meaningful improvements. And one of the areas the workforce is trying to improve is flexibility on the job.
LinkedIn found that 87% of people would prefer to stay remote at least half the time, and 81% of executives are planning to update their workplace policies to offer greater flexibility. LinkedIn has also seen a significant increase in the remote job listings posted on its platform.
Before the pandemic forced us all to go remote, there was little motivation for companies to offer more flexible work arrangements. And employees didn’t even know that flexible work was what they wanted all along. Now, workers are sending a clear message: go flexible, or I’m going home.
It’s up to you whether your organization experiences this shake-up as the Great Resignation, with flocks of employees handing in their notice—or as the Great Reshuffle where the company and the people come together to create new ways of working that serve everyone better.
Me? I’m up for a reshuffle.
Tomorrow: the college degree used to be essential to land a great job, but that standard is being reshuffled in favor of skills-based hiring. We’ve got the details on the next episode of The Perna Syndicate. See you then!