337 - The Authentic Thank You

Episode: 337
Episode Title: The Authentic Thank You
What exactly is gratitude and how can we be sure it’s authentic? Let’s talk about it, coming up next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 337 show:
Hello—you are now in The Perna Syndicate! As we approach the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday this week, we’re talking about new research from Workhuman that highlights the importance of gratitude at work.
It’s no secret that people are quitting their jobs at record rates. In fact, it’s being called The Great Resignation. Workhuman’s study indicates that employees who are noticed and thanked for their work are much less likely to be searching for another job, compared to those who feel unappreciated in their current position.
I’m not saying that a simple “thank you” is the complete solution to the massive turnover that organizations are experiencing, but it’s certainly one piece of the answer.
But first, what is gratitude? According to Dr. Robert Emmons, gratitude can be defined as an affirmation of goodness and a recognition that the source of goodness is outside of ourselves.
An authentic thank-you springs from something you truly feel, not just lip service. It focuses on the positive impact of the other person’s contribution, whether to you personally or to the organization as a whole.
Gratitude can and should be expressed for anything that a person has done that you value and appreciate. We really don’t know how badly someone may need to hear an authentic and heartfelt thank-you. Maybe you’re the one who needs to hear it. Let’s all take the time this week to thank someone with genuine appreciation. It might make all the difference to them.
Tomorrow, is there a wrong way to thank someone? Yes there is, and we’ll cover it on the next episode. Thanks and we’ll see you back here tomorrow on The Perna Syndicate!