314 - When the Problem’s Too Big

Episode: 314
Episode Title: When the Problem’s Too Big
How do you solve a problem like the skills gap, when it’s just so big? Let’s talk about it, coming up next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 314 show:
Welcome to The Perna Syndicate! Want to hear some scary numbers about the skills gap? America’s facing a record talent shortage of 10.1 million unfilled positions at the last count. 95% of business leaders say it’s challenging to find skilled workers. LinkedIn reported that 85 million jobs will be displaced and 97 million new ones will be created by 2025. And finally, a recent Korn Ferry report says that if the talent shortage is left unchecked, it could result in a loss of 8.5 trillion dollars globally by 2030.
Whoa. These are BIG numbers. When I sit back and really think about the tremendous negative impact of the skills gap, it takes my breath away. And if I’m honest, I feel a bit powerless to make any real dent in the problem.
Maybe you feel the same. While these stats and facts can help wake us up to the issue, they can become incredibly discouraging if we stay focused on them.
When the problem is too big, all we can do is tackle our own little corner of it. Never underestimate the power of the ripple effect. The things that we do to make a difference may have effects far beyond our immediate circle.
The skills gap is one problem that is just too big for any one person or organization to solve. But when we work at the grassroots level, when we focus less on the national problem and more on shifting the paradigm in our own community, that big problem gets a little smaller. We can make a difference—and that’s how change starts.
Today, October 21 from 2 to 4pm Eastern, I’m doing my part to tackle the skills gap at the first-ever Education with Purpose: Call to Action livestream experience. We are shifting the paradigm in education, workforce, and economic development—and it’s going to be epic. Check it out at EWPAction.com. We’ll see you back here tomorrow on The Perna Syndicate!