312 - The Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet

Episode: 312
Episode Title: The Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet
As the world of work continually reinvents itself, it makes sense that workforce training should do the same. Find out more, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 312 show:
Welcome—you’re now in The Perna Syndicate! Yesterday, we compared the world of work to a highway. While the college pathway used to be the biggest on-ramp to career success, all that has changed. Today, there are many new training opportunities that can on-ramp students to a great career.
Not only that, but there are new career highways branching out from traditional industries. Many young students today will work in jobs and skill areas that don’t exist yet—but will in the future.
The stunning speed of technology is pushing workers to reskill and upskill multiple times throughout their career. Younger workers especially have embraced the idea that they will never stop learning how to do their job.
If the workforce is reinventing itself, it makes sense that the training to enter that workforce should do the same. The career highway is changing, growing, going new places—and there are more ways than ever to merge onto it. We can’t hold young people back by only showing them one way to get their career going.
I say it often: it matters less where you start after high school than where you end up. Students who take the college route, because they feel like other options are somehow lesser, may actually be missing out.
As work changes, our definition of workforce training must expand. Only then can we guide young people toward the rewarding jobs that don’t exist yet.
This Thursday, October 21, I’m going to dive deeper into this topic and much more at the Education with Purpose: Call to Action livestream experience. It’s a message to shift the paradigm in education, workforce, and economic development. Find out more at EWPAction.com. Thanks for listening—we’ll see you back here tomorrow on The Perna Syndicate.