330 - 3 Pitfalls of the Career Conversation

Episode: 330
Episode Title: 3 Pitfalls of the Career Conversation
As parents, we all want to have great career conversations with our kids. But there are some big pitfalls to avoid. Find out what they are, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 330 show:
Hello, you’re now in The Perna Syndicate! As we wrap up this week, I want to leave you with some actionable strategies to help your kids discover the purpose behind their education and career choices. They can then embark on their postsecondary pathway with confidence that it’s serving their future—not setting them back.
The career conversation is where we talk to our kids about their interests, what they love to do, and what they do well. This conversation should be ongoing over the course of many years as we plant seeds and watch them take root.
But beware. There are three big pitfalls to avoid when talking with your child about their future career. The first is to treat it like a lecture rather than a dialogue. We need to hear from our kids (and really listen to them) in order to help them find the path that’s right for them. We can’t map it out for them. This is their path; we’re just here to guide as needed.
A second pitfall is to think that the end justifies the means. The survey I mentioned earlier found that 23% of parents used guilt to get their kids to choose the career that they wanted for them. That’s just not a healthy tactic. What happens if our kids give in to that strategy and achieve the career we wanted—but they’re miserable in it? Have we really helped them? How did our relationship suffer along the way?
Finally, the last pitfall of the career conversation is not to have it at all. Even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes, parents can have an immense impact on their child’s future life and career. Mom, dad—they really are listening, even to the things you aren’t saying. Let’s use that influence wisely.
Thanks for being part of The Perna Syndicate this week! Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more actionable insights on the next generation. We’ll see you back here next for more. Take care!