30 - Today There Is No Wise Old Man

Episode: 30-today-there-is-no-wise-old-man
Tease: With the rapid changes in education and workforce development, there’s no longer a “wise old man” who knows everything. The future is ours to shape—coming up next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 30 show:
Hello, and welcome to today’s episode. I’m Mark Perna! The 2020-21 school year is underway, and it promises to be one for the history books. Thanks to coronavirus, we’re all facing incredible challenges we have to solve in real time.
The world was already changing prior to COVID-19, but the pandemic has accelerated these changes by leaps and bounds. Now is the moment to move the focus of education toward making students career ready—period. On the show this week, we talked about the value of all postsecondary pathways, not just the college route—and now we have a supersized opportunity to shift that paradigm.
It used to be that in every field, there was a “wise old man”—the person with all the knowledge, experience, opinions, and influence on how things should be. But today, things are changing so fast that there’s no monopoly on all the information and best practices. We’re all on the same playing field now—and it’s those who focus, plan, and take action who will lead their communities toward a stronger future.
More than ever, students need robust academic knowledge, technical competency, and professional skills. These three ingredients together create the dynamic competitive advantage that young people must possess in today’s new and challenging economy.
With no wise old man and no monopoly on doing things the way they’ve always been done – we can seize this opportunity to shift the focus in education and help students reach that true competitive advantage.
Book me to keynote for your next live or virtual event, and let’s shift the paradigm for your audience together. Visit MarkCPerna.com to get started.