286 - Dealing with Another Disrupted Year

Episode: 286
Episode Title: Dealing with Another Disrupted Year
As we get settled into the new school year, we all know that things aren’t back to normal yet. Let’s talk about it, coming up next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 286 show:
You are now in The Perna Syndicate—welcome! I’m your host, Mark Perna. Around the country, the new school year is well underway and we’re all (hopefully) adjusting to the transition. The back-to-school season normally includes a few jitters, but this year, there’s a lot more uncertainty than usual.
A recent survey by ENGINE Insights found that 74% of parents are worried about their school’s ability to remain at full capacity. At the same time, 73% are concerned about the safety of schools reopening at all. 71% worry that their children might bring Covid-19 home from school, and 78% think masks should be considered for at least some members of the school community, even if they’re vaccinated.
Every school district in America has been grappling with these issues—and they know that no decision will please everyone. Meanwhile, every parent is bracing for the next big change that will affect their kids, along with their own work and life schedule.
All of us simply have to accept that one way or the other, this will be another disrupted school year. The pandemic isn’t over yet, but we have to keep moving forward.
The good news is that disruption has a silver lining. We all have the opportunity to rise to the challenge, grow, and model that process to students. Remember, growth happens outside our comfort zones—rarely when we’re feeling safe and comfortable. No matter what happens with remote or in-person learning, masks, vaccines, or anything else, let’s commit to make the best of it—and grow through it.
Tomorrow: how can we keep moving forward when things feel beyond our control? We’ll talk about it on tomorrow’s episode of The Perna Syndicate…see you then!