229 - Taking a Chance on Gen-Z Workers

Episode: 229
Episode Title: Taking a Chance on Gen-Z Workers
File Name: taking-a-chance-on-gen-z-workers
Why should companies take a chance on training Gen-Z workers? Because Gen-Z is ready to commit long-term to the right employer. Stay tuned for more on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 229 show:
Hello and welcome—you are now in The Perna Syndicate! Hiring entry-level workers is a gamble for many companies. They need to be trained, but they’re also highly likely to change jobs sooner rather than later. This can be frustrating for companies that just invested time and money into developing their skills.
But employers shouldn’t treat Gen-Z the same as the more job-fluid Millennials who preceded them. They’re different. They’re entering their careers with a much more serious mindset. In some ways, they even remind me of the Boomers with their desire for a high-level career and responsibilities right off the bat.
I understand why companies can be reluctant to invest in training entry-level employees who could leave in a year or two, but this isn’t such a gamble with Gen-Z. Many Gen-Zers are looking to stay at their first full-time job for several years. In fact, 51% of Gen-Zers plan to stay at their first job for at least three years, a number that has gone up from 43% in 2019.
Companies should take this into account as they hire Gen-Z workers. The fact that these young people are looking to make a long-term commitment to their employer should inspire the same kind of commitment on the company side.
Bottom line: it’s never a mistake to invest in the next generation of skilled workers.
Tomorrow, on-the-job training is the new must-have for young professionals. They want to advance their knowledge and skills while at work. So are apprenticeships the answer? We’ll see you back here tomorrow at The Perna Syndicate.