22 - The Five Minute Method to Success

Tease: What is the 5-minute method, and how can it advance your career? We’re talking about it today on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 22 show:
Hello, and welcome to The Perna Syndicate! In a work culture where loyalty is fleeting, everyone’s looking for a competitive advantage. I’ve got one for you today—and rocket science, it’s not.
It’s this: Show up at least five minutes early, leave at least five minutes late, and care while you’re there. I call it “the 5-minute method.” It’s simple—but surprisingly profound.
Regrettably, today’s workplace is full of people of all ages, across all generations, who are doing just the bare minimum in their job. The 5-minute method, on the other hand, demonstrates commitment, engagement, focus, pride, and contribution to the cause and the organization—some of the foundational “soft skills” that 89% of employers are hungry to find, according to a 2016 Wall Street Journal survey. Employers are looking for people who “get it” and who genuinely want to move the company forward.
What about work-life balance? Well, work cannot, and should not, become your be-all and end-all. Regular unplugging is a healthy practice that actually enhances your performance. But a little extra time and commitment can make a big difference in advancing your career.
Show up at least five minutes early, leave at least five minutes late, and care while you’re there. This can set you apart from the crowd—and give you the competitive advantage you’re looking for.
Keep empowering your career journey with more insights from my blog at MarkCPerna.com.