104 - 2020’s Career Lessons: Empathy

Episode: 104
Episode Title: 2020’s Career Lessons: Empathy
Adaptability and how to communicate virtually were two powerful career lessons that 2020 taught me—but there’s one more. Find out what it is, coming up next.
Ep 104 show:
Hi, and welcome to The Perna Syndicate! All week, we’ve been reflecting on 2020 and some of the positive things we’ve learned from a year full of changes and challenges. Two life-changing lessons I’ve learned this year are the power of adaptability and how to communicate effectively through a screen. But there was one further lesson that 2020 drove home, and it’s this: empathy empowers everyone.
In a year like this has been, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with our own challenges. But empathy—which is simply taking the time and energy to enter into another person’s struggles—is worth it. It empowers and validates the person we’re engaging with. At the same time, it empowers us to make a bigger difference.
Everyone is struggling with something. We all have a story and set of circumstances that drive us each day. For many of us, the crises of 2020 have strained those circumstances, throwing us off balance and frustrating our attempts to make things better.
Empathy means understanding these realities in the lives of those in your sphere of influence. Being empathetic, listening well, and showing care for those around you can help you support their issues, needs and challenges while still accomplishing the desired goals and objectives.
We all want to make the world a better place, but often the best way to do this is in the small ways, with the people closest to us. Empathy and authentic communication go hand in hand. And we empower ourselves and others when we choose to be empathetic.
Thanks for being part of The Perna Syndicate in 2020. I look forward to more insights, info, and inspiration, coming your way in 2021. We’ll see you next year!