101 - It’s the Last Week of 2020

Episode: 101
Episode Title: It’s the Last Week of 2020
It’s the final week of 2020—a year that will live in infamy. But will 2021 really be any different? Here’s my take, coming up next.
Ep 101 show:
Hello, and welcome to The Perna Syndicate! Here we are in the last week of 2020…it’s about time, right? I thought this year would never end! I’m looking forward to a fresh start in 2021, and I’m sure I’m not alone.
2020 has tested us all in different ways. For many, the usual office routine changed overnight into an ongoing work-from-home arrangement. Employers pivoted, and then pivoted again to support their newly remote workforce.
Educators completely reinvented school in a matter of weeks. Parents juggled their work obligations with the needs of their children, many of whom still aren’t back in the classroom yet. Business owners faced grim decisions around furloughs, layoffs and closures. It was tough all around.
It’s easy to blame everything on 2020, as if the problems we’ve experienced over the last nine months are confined to this calendar year alone. 2020 has become a synonym for Murphy’s Law. We joke about it. Whenever anything goes wrong, we shrug our shoulders and say, “Well, it’s 2020; what did you expect?”
We’re all hopeful that 2021 will be better, and I think we’re right to be optimistic. But we know that the complications and difficulties that 2020 brought to our lives aren’t going to magically float away with the end of the year.
2021 can be a fresh start, but we have to be realistic about where we’re starting from.
Thanks for starting your week with the Syndicate. Tune in the rest of the week for three powerful career and life lessons that we can take from 2020—if we choose to. We’ll see you then!