Thanks for Reaching out
We’ll be in touch very soon to start the conversation. In the meantime, don’t miss what other leaders are saying about the unprecedented impact of this message!

Words can’t express the UNIVERSAL IMPACT Mark Perna had on our entire community. He inspired literally everyone–from middle and high school students to our K-12 staff, community stakeholders, and state representative—to expand, and in some instances change, our thinking about education, careers, and what we can accomplish together. I’ve never witnessed such a COLLECTIVE MIND SHIFT. For the first time, every stakeholder is ALIGNED ON COMMON GROUND and excited to move toward a stronger future!
Tim Payne
Superintendent at Ephrata School District

For 2 fantastic hours, Mark Perna RIVETED OUR AUDIENCE of business owners, corporations, community leaders, economic development, and educators. His message of truly connecting our pipelines was substantive, funny, and FULL OF ACTIONABLE STRATEGIES that people are still talking about. The keynote ended in an enthusiastic standing ovation, but the impact Mark made isn’t over. WHAT AN INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE!
President & CEO at Mesa Chamber of Commerce and President of Mesa Industry & Defense Council

MARK PERNA IS DYNAMITE! His message was transformative and impactful for our wide range of attendees, including CEOs, educators, nonprofit leaders, HR directors, and more who raved about Mark’s presentation. He has helped us reach across boundaries and engage the entire community to truly start shifting our paradigm. Mark’s energy and progressive ideas are EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED to meet the challenges of modern economic development.
Cassandra M. Vanhooser
Director, Economic Development & Tourism at Talbot County, MD