790-Providing Parental Support

Episode: 790
Episode Title: Providing Parental Support
If you’re a parent, are you supporting your student in a way that best fits their unique needs? Let’s talk about it, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 790 show:
It’s the end of the week on The Perna Syndicate, and we are wrapping up our discussion on how parents today are supporting their children’s career aspirations.
As a parent, I understand that sense of wanting to do everything in my power to create the kind of life my kids dream about. For the longest time, it seemed that that meant encouraging them to pursue a college degree. But today that is all changing.
I want to be clear: I’m a big fan of going to college if (and only if) that’s what your chosen career requires. But you can’t make someone succeed in college. That must be a path they choose on their own, with a true understanding of the costs and the hard work they’ll need to invest to make it work for them.
I think what we’re seeing now is the start of a new era where the “college for all” mantra is losing ground. More and more alternate pathways are opening that will allow everyone to create their own unique version of success.
For this development to continue, we need to have the courage as parents to sit down, talk with our children, and really listen about where they want to go in their lives. If we can make the effort to see them, hear them, and meet them where they’re at in their education and career journey, then we can set the stage for a positive future.
Thank you for tuning in this week. I hope you found value in this conversation as you think about what life looks like for young people after they graduate. As always, be sure to subscribe and I’ll see you next week for more insights and inspiration on The Perna Syndicate. Take care!