728-From Satisfied to Engaged

Episode: 728
Episode Title: From Satisfied to Engaged
Engaged employees are 44% more productive than those who feel just satisfied. Here’s how to move more people from satisfied to engaged, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 728 show:
You’re now in The Perna Syndicate—hello and welcome! When companies perceive a skills gap in their workforce, most of the time their default is to hire new talent to plug the gap rather than teach their existing workforce new skills.
Too often, companies view upskilling programs as a line item on the budget, something that costs a pretty penny without much tangible return. But this is backwards. The truth is, engaged employees are 44% more productive than workers who feel just satisfied.
Now, forward-thinking organizations are looking at ways to invest in existing talent so they can hire fewer people that serve in similar roles. Closing the skills gap doesn’t just mean that new roles need to be filled. It also means that existing roles need to evolve to include new skills, tools, and resources.
With the current rate of change and disruption, upskilling is not a cost but an investment. Organizations need to zoom out and look at the long-term ROI for both the company and its people—including the impact it will have on culture, engagement, and retention.
Employees who are actively engaged and invested in the company will bring fresh energy and ideas to the table. And what’s more, they’ll stay at the table because they care. This can prevent the costs associated with turnover.
In the end, robust learning and development programs pay for themselves in the deeper engagement of a motivated and skilled workforce.
So, upskilling is necessary—but in what areas is it most crucial? We’ll tackle that question next time on The Perna Syndicate. Until then, take care!