726-The L&D Investment

Episode: 726
Episode Title: The L&D Investment
Today’s workers want to upskill, but employers must embrace a mindset shift if it’s going to happen on a large scale. Here’s why, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 726 show:
This is the Perna Syndicate and I’m your host, Mark Perna. Thanks for tuning in! As a nation, we find ourselves in a bit of a pickle. On one hand, employers are struggling to fill jobs that require skills increasingly difficult to find. At the same time, once they do find the right talent, retaining them for the long term is a major challenge.
It turns out, there may be a way to overcome both challenges at once: investing in upskilling and reskilling employees through vibrant learning and development (or L&D) programs. This also allows us to take a step toward closing the skills gap while we improve workforce retention.
It really is a win-win, because today’s workers want to upskill. Artificial intelligence and increasing automation have many people worried about their future job security. The best way forward is to expand your skills that machines can’t replicate. People want to skill up.
Not only does it keep them competitive, but the company will reap the benefits of a skilled and current workforce that is pursuing excellence. Additionally, upskilling programs make hiring easier by contributing to a stronger brand. This will attract new hires who are culturally aligned and driven by long-term professional growth.
For upskilling to take root as a cultural norm in your organization, the leadership must embrace a mindset shift. Lifelong learning isn’t just a cost, but rather, an investment.
Tomorrow: What forces create a skills gap—and how can we beat it? We’ll talk about that next time on The Perna Syndicate. Stay tuned and we’ll see you then!