599 - Why I’m Thankful Every Day

Episode: 599
Episode Title: Why I’m Thankful Every Day
I’m counting my blessings today—and they all have something in common. Here’s what they are, coming up next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 599 show:
Thanks for tuning in to The Perna Syndicate today! It’s the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S. And while I try to practice thankfulness every day, it’s always great to have a reminder. So here are the blessings I’m counting today.
First, I’m deeply thankful for my family and friends, the people who bring so much love and warmth to my life. I love you all—thank you for making my life so meaningful.
I count my team at TFS Results among my good friends. You are not just employees, but talented people who wholeheartedly share my vision. We don’t just work together; we care about each other on a personal level. I couldn’t do what I do without you. I hope you know how much I value each one of you.
I also work with so many visionary educators, employers, and economic developers across North America. Together, we are shifting the paradigm and making a positive difference for the younger generations. It is a true privilege to partner with you, for which I am so grateful.
You know what all my blessings have in common? They’re people, not stuff. Yes, I’m thankful for all the material things that I enjoy, but my deepest gratitude is for the people who make me a better person every day.
And you know who else I’m thankful for? You, the listeners who tune in and make this show a part of your day. Thanks for the difference you’re making. I am so appreciative to be even just a small part of it.
Tomorrow: we’ll wrap up the week with a new study by the Gates Foundation on how young people feel about their high school experience. We’ll see you back here on the next episode of The Perna Syndicate. Take care!