547 - Education With Their Purpose

Episode: 547
Episode Title: Education With Their Purpose
Education with Purpose can mean different things to different people—and that’s exactly why it works. Let’s talk about it, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 547 show:
Welcome to The Perna Syndicate! Sometimes when I talk about Education with Purpose, I can see people instantly pigeonholing what that purpose means. Some think that I’m pushing for college, others think I’m pushing for anything BUT college, while others simply think Education with Purpose is a nice phrase that doesn’t really mean anything practical.
The truth is, I do not advocate for one type of education over another. Every pathway should be on the table, because kids need real choices for a viable future. If what you want to do in life requires college, you absolutely need to go. Invest wisely, go with purpose, and get it done.
And the same is true for any other education and training option. Figure out why you’re going before you go and then you can make the most of that experience. Then go there, learn everything you can, and finish with pride. And then—take all that knowledge and go make a positive difference in the world.
Education is a huge investment; in fact, a recent survey by WalletHub found that 7 in 10 parents say it’s worth going into debt for. We all want the best for our kids, and we’re betting that education is their ticket to a bright future.
And it can be. Any pathway can be the right one that leads to a rewarding lifestyle and career. It all depends on the individual student’s own unique interests, talents, and abilities. Education with Purpose really means Education with their Purpose.
Tomorrow: if a student doesn’t see a strong reason for moving forward, is it their fault—or ours? Let’s talk about it on the next episode of The Perna Syndicate. Take care and we’ll see you then!