500 - The Skills That Don’t Expire

Episode: 500
Episode Title: The Skills That Don’t Expire
Developing your technical skills is important, but there’s another set of abilities that you need even more. Let’s talk about them, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 500 show:
Hello and happy Friday on The Perna Syndicate! Though the college degree can still be important, many organizations are dropping the degree requirement for open positions. This is especially noticeable in tech-driven roles, where the skills are constantly changing.
This new emphasis on skills isn’t just for technical abilities, however. Professional skills are the true currency of the future. The ability to communicate effectively, to take ownership, to work well with others, to solve problems—all of these and more are absolutely vital to every career, in every industry, all the time. And you can learn them anywhere, not just at college.
Professional skills never expire, and in fact get better with time and experience. Monster.com recently found that 63% of employers would hire someone with transferable skills like teamwork, time management, and leadership, and then train that person on the technical aspects of the job.
Employers can teach you technical skills all day long, but it’s a lot harder to impart the kind of character traits that predict workplace success.
Further education, at college or through another program, may or may not be right for you. But prioritizing your professional skills is always a smart move. In fact, upping your game in this area is the one investment that will always make sense for your career.
That’s all for now! Thanks for tuning in and making The Perna Syndicate a part of your week. I’m your host, Mark Perna, and we’ll see you back here next week for more on The Perna Syndicate. Until then, take care!