449 - The First Step to Disruption

Episode: 449
Episode Title: The First Step to Disruption
What’s the first step to start disrupting education in a positive way? I’ve got a suggestion, coming up next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 449 show:
Hello and welcome to a new episode of The Perna Syndicate! As we talk this week about the disruption taking place in higher education, I think many of us would agree that it’s a positive thing. Education, workforce, and economic development in communities everywhere are ripe for positive disruption. In fact, there’s never been a better moment to shift this paradigm. So how do we get things moving in the right direction?
I suggest that one of the most effective ways to create positive disruption is to bring all your community stakeholders together around a shared vision. This is the heart of my Education with Purpose & Employment with Passion movement, to get everybody—parents, educators, employers, elected officials, and other stakeholders—to start pulling together like never before.
All of these groups are good at what they do individually, but imagine if we could unify these efforts to create a purpose-driven pathway for every student. Imagine if we disrupted our business as usual to give these young people a true competitive advantage in our fast-changing world.
For young people today, purpose is the thread that connects education and employment—and we can only deliver it when everyone catches that vision.
Want to disrupt the status quo in education? Let’s start making purpose the central focus of every student’s education and career journey. It’s not easy, but setting up our young people for a stronger economic future is worth a little disruption.
Tomorrow: Disruption doesn’t always have to be on a grand scale. The best disruption is to challenge our own definition of “business as usual.” We’ll see you back here on the next episode of The Perna Syndicate for more. Take care!