383 - Valuing Employees Benefits Customers

Episode: 383
Episode Title: Valuing Employees Benefits Customers
Can valuing employees over customers actually work to customers’ advantage in the long run? Let’s talk about it, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 383 show:
Welcome to The Perna Syndicate! This week, we’re asking: why aren’t people returning to the workforce? One reason may be that they don’t feel valued by their employer and therefore don’t trust the company to take care of them.
Dr. Travis, whom I’ve quoted before, believes that for companies to rebuild trust among their workforce, they need to make employees their number-one priority. Yes, even more of a priority than their customers!
That’s crazy talk—or, is it? Companies may be asking themselves, how will we keep our customers if we prioritize, protect, and even defend our workers from adverse working conditions? How will we meet our customers’ needs if we choose to meet our employees’ needs first?
I’m going to pose a counterpoint question. How will we keep our customers if we DON’T prioritize, protect, and defend our workers?
It’s an employee job market out there. No one has to stay in their current role—and a majority of workers are realizing and acting on this. That’s why, if companies want to please their customers, they need to please their employees first. This actually works in favor of customers in the long run, because it ensures that the company will still have the talent to power the business and meet their customers’ needs.
Happy employees make for a better product and experience every time. I’d encourage all companies to rethink their priorities, with employees right up there at the top.
Next up, we’ll dissect the stakeholder groups for each business and how they should be ranked to maximize the organization’s success. See you back here tomorrow on The Perna Syndicate!