255 - Give Employees Autonomy

Episode: 255
Episode Title: Give Employees Autonomy
As companies begin to reopen, they’re realizing that no reopening plan is going to please everyone. But there’s one thing that can help. Find out what it is, next on The Perna Syndicate.
Ep 255 show:
Greetings and welcome to The Perna Syndicate! As we wrap up our week talking about the pandemic’s effects on workers’ mental health, it’s important to remember that everyone has different challenges in this area. Some struggled with the isolation of the lockdowns and can’t wait to return to in-person work…while others may be dreading it.
Change is always hard, even if it’s good change. At the end of the day, no reopening plan is going to please everyone. But being flexible can alleviate the worst effects of the transition and give employees a sense of autonomy.
If you think about it, the pandemic made us all feel powerless in some way. We experienced restrictions that in other times would have seemed laughable and even unthinkable. Not having a sense of control over one’s own life can produce a whole range of mental health struggles.
After going through that, it’s natural that the people should cling to the personal control that flexible work gave them. For many people, flexibility at work means freedom for the rest of life. This is one key to better mental health—helping workers own their work and schedule as deeply as possible.
Whenever and however your office reopens, make sure that your employees have a voice in the plan. Change is hard, but giving workers their autonomy can play a big role in a successful transition—and a mentally healthy workforce.
Thanks for being part of The Perna Syndicate this week! Check out more insights and workforce strategies on my LinkedIn profile, where I post new content daily. See you back here next week on The Perna Syndicate!