193 - Salary Conversation Rather Than Negotiation

Episode: 193
Episode Title: Salary Conversation Rather Than Negotiation
Effective salary negotiation is really more of a conversation. Here’s how to open that topic and set the tone for a positive outcome, coming up next on the Syndicate.
Ep 193 show:
Hello and welcome to The Perna Syndicate! Salary negotiation: it can be tricky, especially for young people just launching their careers. This week we’re talking about how to build confidence to bring this up at your current or next job.
Once you’ve done the research and have a sense of what your position should pay, it helps to think of the salary question like a conversation rather than just a negotiation.
Career coach Kyle Elliott says you can do that by first asking questions about what the company had in mind for the role’s compensation. Simply ask the recruiter, ‘What has your company budgeted for this role?’
That’s the question to launch the topic and make it much more of a conversation, rather than just a negotiation. It’s non-threatening, it’s clear, and it can set the tone for an open, honest exchange.
You can also follow that question with other questions about sign-on bonuses, relocation expense reimbursement, or other one-time signing bonuses that are all part of your bottom line.
As young people prepare for the world of work, practicing these strategies together can equip them when the time comes to ask these questions in a real-life context. Remember, it’s not just negotiating; it’s talking.
Tomorrow, we’re covering a little-known negotiation technique that I call ‘enjoying the silence.’ Don’t miss it!