100 - A Holiday Unlike Any Other

Episode: 100
Episode Title: A Holiday Unlike Any Other
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Whatever today means to you, chances are it’s a holiday unlike any other you’ve ever experienced. But even when we’re apart, we can still be together. Stay tuned for more, coming up next!
Ep 100 show:
Hello, and season’s greetings from The Perna Syndicate! As different as the holiday season (and everything else) has been this year, I hope you’ve enjoyed the chance to slow down, reconnect with family and friends, and celebrate the beauty of the season.
For me personally, this is a unique holiday. For the first time in my life, I’m alone on Christmas Day. Being part of a high-risk group, and with cases rising in my area, keeping my distance physically has become necessary for me.
This wasn’t an easy choice—anyone who knows me knows how much I love being with people and especially my family—but I consider it a small thing in light of the tremendous sacrifices that so many others are making. Beyond my own health, if staying home can lessen any of the burden on our healthcare system, I’ll do it gladly.
After all, isn’t that really what should characterize our holidays—showing love and care for others?
So, I’m alone on Christmas—but not really alone. I will be spending significant time with my dear family and friends today on Zoom, participating in the celebrations from afar. It’s not the same as being together in person, but the important thing is that we are still together. And I’ll never take a hug for granted again.
Whatever and however you’re celebrating today, don’t forget to celebrate the power of the human spirit and the hope of a better future. Alone in my home, but connected to those I love, that’s what I will be celebrating today.
Thanks for being part of the Syndicate this week. I wish you and yours a healthy, happy holiday today. We’ll see you next week!